03 December 2003

An inter-office memo from T, who is about to quit his job at a major New England media company.

Several people have asked if decorations are permitted in the office, and this is the response received from the New England Facilities Department. All ___ locations are expected to adhere to these guidelines�

Lights, decorations and trees, just like anything else (fans, heaters) are items that can not be added in an employees cube due to load on the electric in the cube and going back to the whip for the row of cubes.

Obstructions for egress due to emergency situations when employees need to evacuate a cube, an area, or the building, can cause delays, injuries, and sometimes death. ___ is required to adhere to strict fire codes not only in Rhode Island but in all of our facilities throughout New England.

We do have guidelines for cubicle decorations as listed above in an upcoming Facilities Handbook, section 7B, 'Cube Decor', which will be on the New England website within the next week or two.

I hope this helps with any questions anyone may have, but if you should have a question, please do not hesitate to see me at my cube and I will get a official answer for you.

Thank you.


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