17 September 2003

This morning I nearly forgot to go to work. Blame it on a dream, the details of which sort of escape me, except for that it left me with the impression that today was a Saturday. Morning moving along at nice leisurely pace - espresso, muffin, neatly folded newspaper(nabbed from vacationing neighbor's stoop). An open window lets in clean breezes and assorted dog barks and the sounds of a neighborhood lawn mower choking on a stick. Breakfast is brought to a close with the online purchase of a shirt. Such a nice morning that it takes until 10:30 for me to realize that this fine Saturday is actually a Wednesday. _________Feckin' Fuckity Fick Feck!

Haul ass to get to office by 11 and lo and behold: empty. Everyone else must have thought it was Saturday too.


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